
Even as I write, and even as you read
Puerto Rican people now are perishing
In their old-age homes, and in their hospitals
They’re perishing
Life supports are down for lack of diesel fuel
Generators down (or absent) also lacking fuel
Food is gone, good water’s gone
And so, too, are the phones
Where is all the aid Trump touts about?


The SS Comfort, hospital at sea,
Will nine days hence arrive
Nine days?
They needed it nine days ago!
The Army’s being mobilized forthwith
They should have been here then
When storm winds had subsided
Setting up communications
Rescuing the thousands stranded
Distributing both food and water

Meanwhile Trump congratulates himself
On his response to Puerto Rico’s plights
And in his sycophantic tweets
No mention of the island people
Or their plight or suffering

But I can’t lay much blame on Trump
Who knows not this nor even cares
I point to FEMA unprepared
To handle such a hurricane
They should have gamed it like war games
And ready been to expedite
The help the island needed then
So people even as I write
And even as you read these words
Might have been spared from perishing


Author: Sabba Rabba

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