A Trump storm is brewing concerning prof. sports
It all started last year with Colin Rand Kaepernick
He was a star quarterback by all news reports
When during our Anthem he knee kneeled forth with
He kneeled there in protest of cops against blacks
He’s now a free agent out looking for work
But his cause has caught lightning igniting the packs
Of NFL players who do likewise assert
Today was nearly twenty teams that demonstrated thus
Some kneeling, some just sitting down and some in locker rooms
Meanwhile the President on cue is kicking up a fuss
“The NFL should fire them all!”, then add some words of doom
Free speech is very fragile; it is easily abridged
It matters not if we agree, no matter how despicable
By Trump, if things go not his way, he claims that it’s all rigged
Trump tweets his nonsense every morn, that’s one thing that’s predictable
Football Teams that have protested according to CNN: Green Bay Packers, Bengals, Chiefs, Chargers, Sea Hawks, Titans, Broncos, Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Dolphins, Jets, Eagles, Falcons, Lions, Buccaneers, Vikings, Steelers, Ravens, Jaguars