To the Honorable Senator McCain, my dear sir
A proud Arizona Democrat I
But I have admired your ethos so clear
What’s right for the people is where your votes lie
We may disagree on what’s best for our nation
But you, I expect, will vote what you believe
And never succumb to gross forms of persuasion
As Leader McConnell could only conceive
My concern is the Cassidy-Grahm bill on health care
From my point of view it’s the worst of them all
Of its ugliest features I’m sure you’re aware
Whether you’re for them is clearly your call
However, you’ve lectured on Senate procedures
With hearings, debates where all players are heard
But Senator Mitch wants to bypass these features
And jam the bill through sans debate’s ringing words
My question dear sir is now where do you stand
To sully the Senate’s long standing traditions
So President Trump can claim victory’s at hand
Or vote as you did before? That is my question