Social Media News


Half the population goes to Facebook for its daily news
And Facebook knowingly accepted ads from Russian sources
Ads that were political, one-sided points of view
All meant to sway the voting public, change election’s courses

Sometimes the ads contained within some elements of truth
Sometimes they were just blatant lies all told professionally
So how does one distinguish what is false from what is true?
The answer is: we’ll deem it true if with us it agrees

I offer humbly certain elementary rules of thumb:
If Trump has labeled it as fake, it’s news that you can trust
Accepting what Trump claims as true, just proves that you’ve succumbed
Within your favored bubble things are great until it busts

But getting news from social media’s got to be the worst
It may be most accessible, most favored by the masses
So many people live their hours totally immersed
In social media day and night. It’s how their life span passes



Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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