Bannon Interview


I pose that prior to elections, you knew not of Bannon’s name
Nor of Breitbart, nor of Mercer recently who’ve come to fame
Bannon ran the far-right Breitbart bank rolled by Bob Mercer’s wealth
Who, incidentally, bank rolled Trump, but this was carried out with stealth

Steve Bannon became prominent as strategist for Trump’s campaign
Then later as Chief Strategist his stature grew as did his fame
Steve was the one insisting Trump make good on all his claims
From ACA repeal/replace to border walls, such shame

Bannon quit his inside job, perhaps, with helpful coaxing
Went back to Breitbart News to dupe the public with his hoaxing
He’ll be Trump’s outer wingman where the gov. can’t interfere
Although he’s out it’s very clear he still has Donald’s ear

On Sixty Minutes Charlie Rose did Bannon interview
Bombastic rhetoric it was, but really nothing new
Steve claims street fighter so to be and Trump’s a fighter too
I disagree. Trump’s not a fighter: bully through and through

Steve’s down on Kushner, down on Ryan, Mitch McConnell two
He wants to run the clock backward to eighteen ninety two
He’s down on “limousine liberals” and espouses nationalism
Ignoring new technologies that will mend Earth’s major schisms

There’s much more to the interview, I recommend you read it
That’s yesterday on CNN or do the Google bit
Steve’s influence on Donald’s deeds remains, still, to be seen
But if the past is prologue we’ll interpret it as mean


Author: Sabba Rabba

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