

I had not intended tonight to write
Since this is the solemnest holiday
The Day of Atonement beginning tonight
With much to atone for, but this I must say

The news, Puerto Rico, from bad is much worse
The mayor of San Juan on site, Carmen Cruz
Has pleaded her heart out while Trump worries purse
Her people are dying; this isn’t a ruse

But Trump keeps reporting on how well they’ve doing
That FEMA has everything under control
Trump lies to the world while disaster’s ensuing
And millions face genocide soon as their toll


Sept. 28


To start with Trump keeps saying.kneeing
Disrespects our soldiers dying
Fighting for our flag
O’contrare, the soldiers I knew,
Having worked with quite a few,
Weren’t fighting just for flag
But for the freedoms symbolized
By flag and anthem realized
As kneeing under flag

Day eight of this, our worst disaster
Trump’s response is worth a laughter
Helping Puerto Rico
He, today, the Army sent
A general plus five thousand men
So little and so late to Puerto Rico
But Trump’s concern is not the plight
Of people dying day and night
It is News views of him in Puerto Rico

Tom Price of Health and Human Services
Thought that he was quite impervious
To the public eye
He spent more a million flying
Private jets as such defying
Image in the public eye
To Trump he’s an embarrassment
It won’t be long his visage hence
Will absent from the public eye


And So It Goes

Puerto Rico one day later, one day ever worse
Symbolic knee to protest cops on blacks is now a curse
Roy Moore proved Alabama Reps. Are really, really mad
To be elected there you really, really must be bad

Trump has done so poorly, blaming everything on Mitch
The rank and file are likely to dump Don Trump in the ditch
They’ll be primaried surely from the farthest, farthest right
To get elected one must be so right you’re out of sight

Trump’s Tax Plan was released, it is some thirteen pages long
He claimed, “believe me” he’d not profit – there his claims are wrong
Estate tax gone, deep wealthy cuts, Trump’s gain would be substantial
There aren’t sufficient loophole cuts to make this finance neutral

So Trump increased the bottom bracket paying for the slack
Of course the special-interest groups will want their loopholes back
And Democrats will want relief applied to middle class
It’s not quite clear there’ll be the votes for anything to pass

And so it goes; in other news Bob Mueller’s now Hell bent
And Russia’s adds on Facebook / Twitter still sowing dissent
There’s still much more to chat about but it will have to wait
I’m scheduled up-mike’s-corner-Jake and surely can’t be late



Even as I write, and even as you read
Puerto Rican people now are perishing
In their old-age homes, and in their hospitals
They’re perishing
Life supports are down for lack of diesel fuel
Generators down (or absent) also lacking fuel
Food is gone, good water’s gone
And so, too, are the phones
Where is all the aid Trump touts about?


The SS Comfort, hospital at sea,
Will nine days hence arrive
Nine days?
They needed it nine days ago!
The Army’s being mobilized forthwith
They should have been here then
When storm winds had subsided
Setting up communications
Rescuing the thousands stranded
Distributing both food and water

Meanwhile Trump congratulates himself
On his response to Puerto Rico’s plights
And in his sycophantic tweets
No mention of the island people
Or their plight or suffering

But I can’t lay much blame on Trump
Who knows not this nor even cares
I point to FEMA unprepared
To handle such a hurricane
They should have gamed it like war games
And ready been to expedite
The help the island needed then
So people even as I write
And even as you read these words
Might have been spared from perishing




Happenings most serious within our land today
Graham-Cassidy defeated thanks to Susan Collin’s NO
Puerto Rico’s in the dark; within there’s been no aid
And North Korea claims we’re going to war, which isn’t so

Meanwhile, Trump, our President, had spent most of his time
Just criticizing football teams who exercised their rights
Trump’s messages were vulgar, all his words were dripping slime
He essentially ignored these major happenings in sight

There’s nothing Trump can do to resurrect the health-care bill
And nosing into Puerto Rico he’d be in the way
His full attention’s needed backing off his words so shrill
Conversing thus with Kim Jung-un as diplomats might say

Trump needs to understand the pressures Kim must undergo
If Kim backs down, is seen as soft, his generals will him kill
Any insult Trump may hurtle, Kim must higher go
Trump stupidly keeps egging on as though to force his will

So now we’re on the brink of war, conventional most likely
Seoul would be demolished, many thousand casualties
Before we’d ramp up overtaking Kim Jong’s main Army
Always with the threat of nucs, that’s the reality

It’s time for reason, statesmanship, let rhetoric tone down
It’s time to recognize the state for what it is in retrospect
An H-bomb capable , missile capable country that is bound
And so determined to receive the whole world’s full respect


Team Protests


A Trump storm is brewing concerning prof. sports
It all started last year with Colin Rand Kaepernick
He was a star quarterback by all news reports
When during our Anthem he knee kneeled forth with

He kneeled there in protest of cops against blacks
He’s now a free agent out looking for work
But his cause has caught lightning igniting the packs
Of NFL players who do likewise assert

Today was nearly twenty teams that demonstrated thus
Some kneeling, some just sitting down and some in locker rooms
Meanwhile the President on cue is kicking up a fuss
“The NFL should fire them all!”, then add some words of doom

Free speech is very fragile; it is easily abridged
It matters not if we agree, no matter how despicable
By Trump, if things go not his way, he claims that it’s all rigged
Trump tweets his nonsense every morn, that’s one thing that’s predictable

Football Teams that have protested according to CNN: Green Bay Packers, Bengals, Chiefs, Chargers, Sea Hawks, Titans, Broncos, Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Dolphins, Jets, Eagles, Falcons, Lions, Buccaneers, Vikings, Steelers, Ravens, Jaguars


Some History


Let’s briefly review the Kim Jong-un happenings
Both he and Don Trump trading insults and threats
And of the two “leaders” Jong-un’s showed more reasoning
While Trump’s bellicosity’s empty at best

President Clinton had signed an accord
Of our non-aggression with them in the North
And they would cease building their nuclear sword
Then “axis of evil” Bush broke with the North

That’s when they restarted their nuclear development
We proved untrustworthy from their point of view
They think we’d invade them, changing their government
They hold the South hostage o’er what we might do

They’ve spent years and capital on this pursuit
Starving their people whom they have enslaved
They’ll soon test their H-bomb, more missiles to boot
Real feats unignorable on the world stage

They’re months, if not weeks from achieving their aims
There’s nothing will stop them all after these years
Not bellicose rants, empty threats, more the same
They want par with America, that’s what I hear

But Trump can’t be trusted; might break with Iran
His only strategy: threaten and bluster
As such Kim’s continuing, fast as he can
He’ll wait for a President one he can trust more

I don’t believe either Korea, the North
Or the US will other than speak
Their words may be stupid and of little worth
Except for their politics, what each side seeks



Three Heroes


Suzan and Lisa, now add to them John
Brave and responsible to their constituents
Not like the others bought off by the affluent
These three stand their ground when the pressure is on

The vote is not over yet, it’s my prediction
That Suzan and Lisa will vote as before
They vote based on substance; it’s what they’re there for
And John said he’s NO which ensures its rejection

Of course it’s the wealth-care bill, Cassidy-Graham
The zombie bill Senators keep resurrecting
Each time it is foisted its terms worse projecting
Each time these three say that they won’t buy the sham

But over and over through Trump’s White-House tenure
They will resurrect this false health zombie bill
And over and over the populous will
Kill it until there’s a bipartisan measure


Two Things


Unique situation, of late come to pass
That’s truly outlying for democracies
No when in our history has something this crass
Beset our governing bureaucracies

Thing One is the health-care bill foisted on citizens
Senate Republicans jamming it through
A bill that’s opposed by all med institutions
Most citizens, governors, insurers too

Their main motivation comes from their rich backers
Who bought these Republicans: one thing in mind
Tax cuts they’re demanding or you’ll soon be packers
So health care is gutted to pay them in kind

Thing Two is the President’s recent behavior
Bellicose, brutish against Kim Jong-Un
No policy, strategy; couldn’t be graver
Kim labeled him “dotard”, of whom he made fun

It’s rare in democracies such irresponsiveness
To the constituency’s wish evident
It’s even more rare in political governess
That the greatest of dangers is your own President




The Graham-Cassidy bill will be voted next week
Its sponsors are making claims clearly untrue
It is the worst of all-my point of view
Its chances of passage, I think are quite bleak

Maria swept over the isle, Puerto Rico
With winds of a hundred and fifty or more
Destruction and outages, flooding galore
But zero fatalities unlike in Mexico

Two hundred fifty and counting fatalities
Rescuers desperately work against time
Beneath the rubble trapped victims survived
Their lives are at stake; it’s the grim reality

Back now to politics, Paul Manafort
Is front row and center in Bob Mueller’s probe
My guess is he’s searching for spots on the globe
Where he can hide off to from Mueller and courts

There is a new web site that integrates news
Concerning the Russians and Trump from the start
With all of the players and how they took part
In each key event; what is known; what are views:

The Committee to Investigate Russia
