So much that’s political in today’s news
New stories on Donald’s involvements with Putin
Evidence more of his campaign colluding
More justifications where there’s no excuse
Be those as they may, not our subject today
We turn instead to the dire flooding in Houston
It’s already epic in scope and destruction
Rescues by the thousands have been under way
Some twenty odd feet of rain so far has fallen
With twenty odd feet of rain more on the way
Thousands in shelters, they’ll be there for days
Homes lost and businesses, outlooks appalling
Hurricane Harvey will cost many billions
And years of recovery. It stands to reason,
Since it is still early in hurricane season,
That climate-change costs could run into the zillions
Wake up Mr. Trump and wake up you deniers
‘Twill only get worse as each year comes about
More severe hurricanes and more heat scorching droughts
The world needs true leadership, take off your blinders!