Forty Six


I may be early by some months to go
In hailing our new number Forty Six
Since Trump has so behaved to seal his fate
What now remains is waiting for the date
When Trump resigns ‘mid charges that do stick
And Michael Pence as POTUS will be so

The dossier compiled by Christian Steele
Though unconfirmed in its entirety
Is proving more and more to be correct
And more there is; we ain’t seen nothing yet
Trump telegraphs his guilt with clarity
Obstructing justice with misplaced appeals

Mike Pence as President, what to expect
Him reassuring Allies we’re aligned
On foreign policy no change in sight
Domestically align almost far right
And acting Presidential all the time
Compared to Trump most boring, his prospect


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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