As you know a week ago we both attended a retreat
We heard a story, short of glory, made me think the GOP
One brother asked the other brother what it was he did that day
The other brother answered “nothing” in a voice somewhat diminished
“But that’s the same as yesterday!” “I know, I know, I wasn’t finished!”
Trump’s unscripted rhetoric equating Nazi demonstrations
On a par with those opposing drew the Party’s condemnation
Not of Trump but of the Neo Nazis of today
Who among the GOP will drop their Trump endorsement
So far it’s gained them nothing but acute embarrassment
Be that as may these last few days revealed a scary fact
Those demonstrating white extremists were of middle class
Well educated, modern, skilled, the bright youth of our day
Like Trump they learned from dear old dad their white supremacy
It is ego addictive; hate is in ascendancy
Trumps press conference yesterday, where he ad-libbed his apparent true feelings, reminded me of a quote Abba Evan once said about the Palestinians: He never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Good quote!