

Heather Heyer demonstrator killed by car in Charlottesville
Neo Nazis, Alt Right movement protesting a statue’s take-down
Heather there to counter Alt Right, struck by Jimmy Alex Field
White supremacy’s new victim joins with thousands of renown

White-Supremacy’s resurgence, now that Trump is President
Like a spigot spouting bigots, dating back to Civil War
Since the biggest racist bigot is the White-House resident
They’re accepted now like others, much more open than before

On Saturday Trump’s neutral comments caused a lot of consternation
Reading from a written script he blamed it on extremist groups
He mentioned not the Neo Nazis in his general condemnation
His words were trite and uninspiring, written by some nincompoop

This evening witnessed demonstrations in the cities of our nation
Thousands marched against the Alt Right and against supremacists
Provoked they were to aggravation and a sense of indignation
That this leader of our nation on this issue could care less

Our hearts go out to Mark and Susan, parents of the murdered Heather
They have vowed to honor Heather, carry on what she stood for
That her death will not be in vain, and in her way make this world better
Saying: go from strength to strength; and all who read this lend support



Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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