I’ve harbored these past months a misconception
About Don Trump’s unusual obsession
With legislating ACA repeal
Not caring what replaced it in the deal
“I’m waiting at my desk with pen in hand.”
He’d even sign it if Repeal was blank
I had assumed the pundits were correct
Trump’s motivation was to have a WIN
But Mitch McConnell really did him in
And those three senators’ decision to defect
Trump didn’t get his WIN, alas, alack
But rather than move on to tax reform
Or infrastructure bills the Dems would back
He’s urging Mitch to buck the rising storm
Against repeal; to vote this one more time
Repeal Obamacare Care, Trump’s goal sublime
Trump does experience bouts of incoherence
His short-term recollections often fail
But one thing Trump remembers is a grievance
He nurtures hurts for years beyond the pale
It dawned on me that, though Trump savors WINs
His reason for demanding Mitch begin
Another voting session on repeal
It was to hurt Obama. He would kill
Obama’s cherished legacy, Obama Care
As retribution for humiliation
Suffered back in twenty-eleven May
Obama to roasted Trump,
The Corespondent’s Dinner, he’d repay