A Few Things


Thing One
No longer are we the World’s recognized leader
On climate change, trade, and suppressing aggression
There is one criterion, all said and done,
There have to be followers, and we have none

Thing Two
Right away, quickly he’ll jam the bill through
Damn the poor people it’s full speed ahead
WealthCare for billionaires, millionaires too
Try as you might, Mitch, but that bill is dead

Thing Three
Trump sullies Intelligence, insults the Press
Belittles reporters and trashes the Courts
This vicious vendetta is bad gone to worse
As more damning evidence hits where it hurts

Thing Four
The cease-fire in Syria’s good while it lasts
Joint tactics on ISIS are too, far as goes
Cooperation at times has worked some in the past
But cyber secureness? Emphatically NO

Thing Five
Kim Jong, North Korea, has full demonstrated
In face of dire warnings and threats from the States
That he’s to be reckoned with, not underrated
We’re right where Kim wants us: too little, too late

Thing Six
All his things considered would take many verses
It is my opinion, with Trump at the helm
McConnell and Ryan, the outlook just worsens
Politically speaking I am underwhelmed




Well, Trump met his hero whom he tries to emulate
Trump and Vlad Putin together in Germany
Sat there as equals engaging in mock debate
Issues of meddling and of future harmony

Tillerson said Trump confronted the President
Stating our Congress’s strong negativity
Felt toward the Russian hack-tacks that were prevalent
And all their other nefarious activities

Putin, of course, did deny most emphatically
Russia’s involvement in election meddling
News that denies this is fake news ungraciously
Published by scurrilous imposters peddling

Lazaroff stated that Trump had accepted
Vlad Putin’s denial of Russia’s involvement
By which Trump was taken, as I had expected,
Since Trump won’t dispute Lazaroff’s sly pronouncement

Trump showed his naivety in this encounter
Allowing himself to be tricked in revealing,
No matter what actually was his rejoinder,
In trusting our Intell, Vlad was more appealing

Although Trump will tweet how successful was he
Putin’s gross indiscretions are not to be flaunted
And all must look forward and let the past be
Vlad Putin got everything he could have wanted


Trump in Europe


Trump stood beside Duda, right wing as they come
Who’s turned dictatorial, enslaved Polish Press
And fired the court judges, dissent he suppressed
Trump stood there beside him and came across dumb

He publicly stated our Press news was fake
Our Intel community he didn’t trust
He wouldn’t admit Russia hacked; know he must
And blamed Pres. Obama’s decision to wait

Tomorrow, Trump, Putin, both meet face-to-face
With Tillerson, Lazaroff also inside
Plus three skilled interpreters, probably spies
With hidden devices to get this on tape

Trump has no agenda, he’ll play it by ear
I’m sure Putin has one, he knows what he wants
Trump’s lucky if after, he’s still wearing pants
That Donald could deftly be played is my fear

Vlad’s weapon is flattery, cunning his skill
Implying a partnership ISIS defeating
Lifting the sanctions is what Putin’s seeking
In privacy there Trump is likely to deal

If later Trump changes, denies there’s a deal
Vlad will have secret records to hold o’er Trump’s head
Nor will Donald dispute him, what ever he said
It gives Vlad a free hand to wield as he will





A missile was launched today heard ‘round the world
KN17 took Intel by surprise
They aimed it straight up; o’er the ocean ‘’twas hurled
And, thus North Korea the US defied

The test demonstrated the missile displays
The characteristics of ICBMs
Sufficient to threaten West Coast USA
And forcing Pres. Trump to tweet haws and tweet hems

So, what is the purpose of Kim Jong un’s quest
He’s truly convinced that we’d war if we could
Defeat his regime as our history suggests
He’s no choice but to counter our threat, standing bold

Kim may be erratic but stupid he’s not
He’s willing to starve people to reach his goal:
Deter the US from defeating his lot
By having the means to inflict a huge toll

So what is Trump’s strategy other than bluster
And vacuous threats seen to carry no weight
We’ll strengthen our sanctions the range we can muster
This past hasn’t worked, I expect the same fate

The approach I suggest goes against current thinking
It’s to recognize fait accompli as it be
Accepting the North as a nuclear state fledgling
And negotiating partnership to seal lasting peace


Inalienable Rights


We watched on TV on the Capital steps
The PBS program, a full celebration
Of our independence as grand as it gets
And that thirteen colonies grew to this nation

Before that great document was promulgated
The governed were void of inalienable rights
All rights were by birthright as royalty stated
Or granted by royalty who ruled by might

With Jefferson’s lead, based on Locke and on Hume
That rights of Life, Liberty, Pursuing Happiness
Become inalienable, once one assumes
They’re granted as birthrights through God’s graciousness

It took lots of courage for these fledgling colonies
So treasonously to declare independence
From then the most powerful empire, soon enemy
This declaration: our honored remembrance

Our people have fought and have died for these rights
They’ve made us the greatest of nations on Earth
I’m proud as a veteran defending our might
We’re three generations of vets who have served

I look to the future, a new human nature
Where wars among nations become obsolete
And mutual respect then exists among cultures
Inalienable rights for all people complete




More Than a Hobby


Mia culpa I say, I can’t do what I preach
But that doesn’t stop me from preaching today
On our Independence, historic, unique
And our obligations American way

We, most of us, play politics like a hobby
We pay some attention as far as it goes
And sometimes our Congressmen we’ll try to. Lobby
But never our friends; fear of stepping on toes

My message dear reader, and I do mean dear
That hobbies per se never elections win
It takes dedicated, hard work, sweat and tears
And that’s sorely needed to bring the House in

I urge you, dear reader, then, not to succumb
To feelings of worthiness staying abreast
Of news as it happens, to savor each crumb
Seduced by political Sirens as come

Instead, join your Party and volunteer time
At town halls participate, Congressmen call
Make your actions meaningful, efforts sublime
Do more than a hobby I’m preaching to all



It Was Worse


Kristof, of the Times wrote an op-ed today
That caught my attention as being unique
He wrote about Good News, his outlook’s not bleak
The world’s gotten better in meaningful ways

He writes about leprosy, scourge to detest
In three years ‘twill likely be gone from the Earth
Too, since 1990 world medical work
Saved hundreds of millions of children from death

Each day many thousands from poverty rise
And daily, by thousands, clean water they get
And thousands join on an electrical net
Most everyone knows how to read and to write

Hot wars are the answers to failures in talks
Increasingly they have become obsolete
War deaths are dramatically down from their peaks
Throughout the last century: govs. ruled by hawks

So if you’re discouraged by news of the day
Think back to the traumas of those yesteryears
Of hot wars, pandemics, most living in fear
We’re much better off on this 4th Holiday




Ms. Maddow interpreted Trump’s choice of adjectives
Mainly when tweeting against adversaries
As something unique, largely using superlatives
Grossly abhorrent, the meanings they carry

All politicians, she notes, seek attention
They often achieve it by off-the-wall statements
But Trump uses language that others won’t mention
Crude, lewd and despicable meets his intents

It’s not just to punish his latest detractor
He captures attention like moths to a flame
His penchant for doing this is second nature
Diverting news coverage where he’s being blamed

Since Trump only values the Trump family
When tweeting his nastiness full publicly
The fact that he sullies the Presidency
He displays no concern most emphatically

So how does one handle the news of the day
Where news of importance needs Press Corps attention
Then Trump throws a stink-grenade into the fray
Diverting the Press from events in contention

My answer is simple, it really would work
Whenever Trump’s diatribes partake of dirt
The Press should ignore it; it comes from a jerk
This lack of attention will Trump the most hurt




Trump’s latest on healthcare, since Mitch hasn’t won
Is kill the Obama Care, repeal it now
And worry replacing it later some how
The millions who’d lose it would be thirty one

Trump’s upcoming meeting with Putin’s in sight
With flattery weapons he’ll get what he wants
From Trump, whose non prep for this meeting Trump flaunts
But other news dominates thoughts for tonight

It’s voter suppression that’s back in the news
Election Integrity, Trump’s been promoting
By looking for three million aliens voting
This new Trump commission wants data on you

Trump’s seeking excuses to thwart voter turnout
Vote fraud is a problem that doesn’t exist
Republican claims that it really persists
Are demonstrably massively false there’s no doubt

Trump’s efforts toward problems that truly aren’t there
Stand out in stark contrast with what Russia’ doing:
Gross hacking continues; elections they’re screwing
While Trump’s doing nothing to counter the bear
