Trumple’s Lament 5/16/16


This fate wasn’t meant to happen
Music blaring, banners flapping
All those thousands shouting, clapping
Shouting, “Trumple, he’s our man!”
Really not what I intended
Nor have I much cash expended
This fiasco should have ended
Ended where it all began

They keep shouting, “He’s our man”

I’m now leader of this party
G O P all hale and hearty
I’m so guru, I’m so smarty
I succeed because I can
I’m so awfully good at winning
Should have known it when beginning
On myself the blame I’m pinning
‘Twas me fooling when I ran

They keep shouting, “He’s our man!”

Now I’m certain I’ll be Prexy
Life might be, well, kind of sexy
But I’ll suffer apoplexy
Living where I’d lose my tan
Hotels have I, mansions have I
Billion dollar life-style have I
From the dinky White House will I
Leave when e’er I can

They keep shouting, “He’s our man!”


Fragile News


Fragile news breaking all over the place
Firstly the sad, John McCain’s small brain tumor
It was excised today, hoping leaving no trace
He’s a warrior, we know, spirit high and good humor

I’ll be sending him healing; please come join me with this

Donald Trump interviewed by The Times of New York
All but fired Jeff Sessions, so he’ll have to resign
Sessions’ early recusal wasn’t how it should work
He was put there to cover Donald’s ample behind

Donald only wants people who are loyal to him

Donald railed against Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe
And threatened Bob Mueller: finance is no no
But Mueller has Deutsche Bank within his broad gaze
Frustrated and angry, Trump’s got nowhere to go

A bloody new crisis appears to be looming

The Senate’s Delay Care will be voted next week
It clearly won’t pass, so they all can recess
This, in spite of the President’s urgings and tweets
All told Trump’s young Presidency sure is a mess

What’ worse than our Government? Clearly its absence




An undisclosed meeting the President had
With Vladimir Putin in view of the guests
At the G20 banquet, excluding the rest
‘Cept Putin’s translator; the image was bad

All of our allies, their prime heads of state
Saw Trump sucking up to the Russian aggressor
For more than an hour like a priest and confessor,
The two men conversed about – we can’t relate

Trump’s known unreliable, having revealed
To the Russian ambassador top-secret stuff
Who knows what transpired ‘tween Putin and Trump
Alaska he could have returned in a deal

In other news Wealth Care went down to defeat
And so did Trump Wait Care today bite the dust
McConnell’s beside himself, pass it he must
But Republican senators can’t take the heat

There’s more on Trump Junior, some strange attendee
But this one is notable, known from his past
A master money-launderer of hot Russian cash
His last name is Kaveladze, past Head IBC

This Vesalitskaya, Trump-Junior strange meeting
Was about the Magnitsky Act and Russian adoption
So why invite Kaveladze? Not a clear option
There’s more to that meeting than what we are seeing







With all the Russian breaking news
And Kushner in the hot seat now
We can lose track of other news
The world keeps spinning round and round

One week ago the ISIS fate
Had suffered once again defeat
For Mosul, ISIS Caliphate
Saw ISIS fighters in retreat

A city Philadelphia’s size
All rubblized, with thousands dead
It’s hard for one to visualize
For these survivors what’s ahead

Iraqi Sunni, Shia, Kurdish
With our air and ground support
Fought against the ISIS menace
Fought and won, we can report

What does the future now portend
Age old the conflicts still remain
Our presence there maintains the mend
Were we to leave, they’d fight again

Be that as may the news is good
The Caliphate is on the run
And credit goes to where it should
The men who fought and died and won



Clarion Call


I remember times ago
Since my age is now eighty four
I was too wrapped ‘round my ego,
Work and family, friends, you know
It’s what I felt my time was for

Yes, I did listened to the news
Subscribed to several magazines
Perused the paper, read some views
So I could flash the stuff I knew
That’s it, except for Prop Thirteen

I understand, with much to do
Or special interests eating time
It’s natural to take the view
To leave it to the gung-ho few
And politics are not your prime

But Trump has changed the world we knew
In jeopardy democracy
Except for a courageous few
The Reps enable Trump in queue
The Party of hypocrisy

So take the time to be aware
And program to participate
Help make things happen what and where
You are. Be heard by being there
And when you’re old as I, you’ll this relate


All The Damn Lies


You get what you vote for, I’m sorry to say
An administration where everyone lies
To garner some truth, there is only one way
Just flip to the opposite’s what I apprise

Veselnitskaya the lawyer from Russia’s court
Plus two or three others, it might have been more
All met with Trump Junior plus Kushner and Manafort
To transfer false Clinton dirt raising Trump’s score

That was June of sixteen, and when questioned about it
They all vouched no contacts had ever occurred
Not just Junior and Manafort, but the White House denied it
While knowing they’re lying with each truth-less word

Collusion with Russia is what they’ve been hiding
It’s all reprehensible but no surprise
The shoes keep on dropping, they’ll do so abiding
But what wears me weary is all the damn lies


Third Iteration


McConnell, you wily old fox of a guy
You’re pushing this bill but you know it must di
You’ve got to show Trump that you really did try
Knowing Trump will sign anything that you bring by

It matters not what’s really there in the bill
The fact that there’s twenty two million who will
Soon lose all their coverage, a most bitter pill
Trump’s ready to sign it, just give him a quill

This bill bifurcates coverage: flawed at the core
The young and the healthy cheap plans they’ll go for
But those with conditions their premiums will soar
Thus leaving them naked, the sick, old and poor

This third iteration as bad as the rest
McConnell keeps pushing at Donald’s behest
Trump’s desperate for victory; this is the test
Alas it won’t pass, that’s my hope and my guess




Although Trump’s approvals are not very high
Except for Republicans, eighty percent,
His poll popularity numbers aside
Two people most dangerous close and inside
Who’ll cause the demise of this new President
Are he and J. Kushner; Trump trusts for advice

Trump’s son-in-law, Jared, soft powerful voice
When he speaks Trump listens and so do the rest
He’s running the government based on his views
He’s smart as a whip but he’s young, his excuse
For advising Trump poorly, which started this mess
The firing of Comey, a really bad choice

Now it’s been revealed by the Times and the Post
Back in May of sixteen, there is hard evidence
Trump Junior and Kushner met with government Russians,
And by inference,Trump senior was apprised of the sessions
They expected to get dirt on Clinton’s offense
What they might get is prison, five years at most

My hunch it’s been Kushner who worked with the Bears
Who told when and what data they should send in
To be the most damning in Clinton’s campaign
That he had colluded again and again
With Russia expressly to help Donald win
And everyone knew it, and now there’s despair

Avalanches of lies we’ve all been subject to
Denigration of media and Press Corps abuse
Sucking up to the Russians, championing their affairs
Donald’s house of cards tumbling, blaming everyone there
And the GOP Congress is a sorry excuse
At the center is Kushner, it’s my point of view




We know now a bit of why Trump favored Vlad
Since Putin had evidence hurtful to Trump
These new revelations
Are really sensations
That took place when Donald was still on the stump
By June of 16 Trump full knew Russia’s hand

Since then we’ve been subject to lie after lie
Concerning the Russians and their interference
They hacked our elections
‘Twas their predilection
To spread their fake news that looked real in appearance
Trump senior did know this, but always denied

But now there is proof that the Bear was involved
And that Junior Trump, having been suckered in
By Russian spy trolling,
Was ready and willing
To accept their fake damaging data on Clinton
It’s been a great mystery now partly solved


Late News


Late news keeps on breaking, it’s really not fair
Just when I decided my theme, don’t you know
The Times drops a Time bomb from out of nowhere
Which pushed my intended theme stanzas below

Trump Jr. admitted to meeting a lawyer,
Natalia from Russia, a year ago June
Kushner and Manafort too in Trump Tower
To talk of adoptions Trump Jr. assumed

But as news dripped out he kept changing his tune
The Times wrote tonight that young Trump got an Email
From Goldstone, who brokered the meeting in June,
Their stated desire’s to help Trump to prevail

The three senior Trumpean campaign executives
Attended that meeting all knowing full well
That they were colluding with Russia, provocative,
And likely criminal, soon time will tell

As the noose tightens Trump’s starting to panic
He’s practically turned off the White House Press Corp
Trump’s actions of late indicate he’s gone manic
And wants to divert Press attention the more

When Putin likes not what his Press is then saying
His simple solution is kill the reporters
Trump’s method is simple too, stop news conveying
Except White House fake news to mask Trump’s disorders
