

I have Republican family and friends
Like most of us they can’t admit a mistake
Nobody thinks himself so gullible
That he’d vote for someone so un-truth-able
They knew he was foul but they thought not a fake
And Trump wasn’t Clinton who’d lost it with them

We’ve had half a year of Trump, how think they now?
World leadership role losing since the election
No real legislation enacted for us
Just EOs Trump’s signed with all flurry and fuss
Repealing gov regs meant for public protection
So what’s their opinion; is there room for doubt?

They’re mostly still with him, it’s what he will do
He’ll cut back their taxes and get them great jobs
Just give him some time, it’s been only six months
With lots of distractions like fake news witch hunts
Except for Jeff Sessions, those insults don’t lob
He is one of us; he was right to recuse

So the answer is no, no mistake had they made
When voting for Trump to become President
It’s you liberal progressives who got it all wrong
And can’t really stand it when Trump comes on strong
And the stock market’s with him, the highest it’ been
He’ll again make us great; leave you Dems in the shade


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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