

The “skinny” health bill will be voted tonight
Both the Dems and the Reps do agree it’s a mess
It would dis-insure millions; send the costs out of sight
‘Though it’s what they detest, many Reps will vote yes

They have asked for assurance from Speaker, Paul Ryan
To take it to conference where it can be changed
To say Paul’s committed would somewhat be lying
The Senate’s behavior on this is quite strange

The vote will occur in the wee hours of morning
The bill’s actual wording most haven’t yet seen
The realization I hope will be dawning
The Senate’s behavior is truly obscene

Meanwhile the Mooch is Trump’s most recent jester
He’s named as Director of Communications
Drunk now with new power all Trump staff he pesters
He’s foul mouthed, uncouth enough for nomination

There’s more going on with Jeff Sessions and Mueller
Trump keeps on discrediting the FBI
He knows that they’ll find him out later or sooner
But that’s for another poem; for now goodbye



Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

One thought on “Skinny”

  1. I wrote letters to Mr. McCain, Ms. Murkowski, and Ms. Collins thanking them for their votes overnight Thursday. At Sabba Rabba’s request, here is the main content of the letters, in case you want to borrow from it (at least the first paragraph) for your letters to them or to others. I referred to and included the poem that was guest-posted here on Feb 19, which was a kind of call-to-action that I said they were fulfilling with their votes. You can find the poem at that date on this site. Here’s the gist of the letters (Ms. Collins’s has not yet gone through, as her site is down – I intend to send it when I can):
    Dear Mr. McCain/Ms. Murkowski/Ms. Collins,
    Although I live in Virginia, I thank you for standing up for facilitating effective health resources for all Americans in your vote overnight Thursday night, as well as, in general, for all your service to our country. I hope that the healthcare issue can now be addressed in a truly bipartisan, sensible, effective, and compassionate way.
    Also, I share with you a poem I wrote back in February, that you may appreciate, even though you are not entirely of the same political persuasion as I am (although much closer than is the subject of the poem). I consider that you are following its call. (For added entertainment, look up the link in the footnote.)
    Ken Cliffer

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