Thanks to McCain who flew back to D.C.
While recovering from recent brain surgery
The procedural vote passed, thus allowing debate
On a few health-care bills and Obama Care’s fate
So, while I am writing the Senate is casting
Its yeas and its nays while the public keeps asking
And pleading their senators not to repeal
And replace ACA with some sham of a bill
By tomorrow some time we are likely know
The outcome of all this, if it passed, yes or no
In the mean time keep calling your senator’s place
To keep up the pressure and maintain the pace
On the Russian front Trump keeps berating Jeff Sessions’
Obeying the law, which has gone out of fashion,
By recusing himself, leaving Trump unprotected
From investigations where Trump is suspected
But Trump keeps on claiming he’s done nothing wrong
It’s fake news, a witch hunt; it doesn’t belong
So, Trump, if you’ve really got nothing to hide,
Why, then, are you hiding stuff deep down inside?