Fragile News


Fragile news breaking all over the place
Firstly the sad, John McCain’s small brain tumor
It was excised today, hoping leaving no trace
He’s a warrior, we know, spirit high and good humor

I’ll be sending him healing; please come join me with this

Donald Trump interviewed by The Times of New York
All but fired Jeff Sessions, so he’ll have to resign
Sessions’ early recusal wasn’t how it should work
He was put there to cover Donald’s ample behind

Donald only wants people who are loyal to him

Donald railed against Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe
And threatened Bob Mueller: finance is no no
But Mueller has Deutsche Bank within his broad gaze
Frustrated and angry, Trump’s got nowhere to go

A bloody new crisis appears to be looming

The Senate’s Delay Care will be voted next week
It clearly won’t pass, so they all can recess
This, in spite of the President’s urgings and tweets
All told Trump’s young Presidency sure is a mess

What’ worse than our Government? Clearly its absence


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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