

With all the Russian breaking news
And Kushner in the hot seat now
We can lose track of other news
The world keeps spinning round and round

One week ago the ISIS fate
Had suffered once again defeat
For Mosul, ISIS Caliphate
Saw ISIS fighters in retreat

A city Philadelphia’s size
All rubblized, with thousands dead
It’s hard for one to visualize
For these survivors what’s ahead

Iraqi Sunni, Shia, Kurdish
With our air and ground support
Fought against the ISIS menace
Fought and won, we can report

What does the future now portend
Age old the conflicts still remain
Our presence there maintains the mend
Were we to leave, they’d fight again

Be that as may the news is good
The Caliphate is on the run
And credit goes to where it should
The men who fought and died and won



Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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