Third Iteration


McConnell, you wily old fox of a guy
You’re pushing this bill but you know it must di
You’ve got to show Trump that you really did try
Knowing Trump will sign anything that you bring by

It matters not what’s really there in the bill
The fact that there’s twenty two million who will
Soon lose all their coverage, a most bitter pill
Trump’s ready to sign it, just give him a quill

This bill bifurcates coverage: flawed at the core
The young and the healthy cheap plans they’ll go for
But those with conditions their premiums will soar
Thus leaving them naked, the sick, old and poor

This third iteration as bad as the rest
McConnell keeps pushing at Donald’s behest
Trump’s desperate for victory; this is the test
Alas it won’t pass, that’s my hope and my guess


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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