

Although Trump’s approvals are not very high
Except for Republicans, eighty percent,
His poll popularity numbers aside
Two people most dangerous close and inside
Who’ll cause the demise of this new President
Are he and J. Kushner; Trump trusts for advice

Trump’s son-in-law, Jared, soft powerful voice
When he speaks Trump listens and so do the rest
He’s running the government based on his views
He’s smart as a whip but he’s young, his excuse
For advising Trump poorly, which started this mess
The firing of Comey, a really bad choice

Now it’s been revealed by the Times and the Post
Back in May of sixteen, there is hard evidence
Trump Junior and Kushner met with government Russians,
And by inference,Trump senior was apprised of the sessions
They expected to get dirt on Clinton’s offense
What they might get is prison, five years at most

My hunch it’s been Kushner who worked with the Bears
Who told when and what data they should send in
To be the most damning in Clinton’s campaign
That he had colluded again and again
With Russia expressly to help Donald win
And everyone knew it, and now there’s despair

Avalanches of lies we’ve all been subject to
Denigration of media and Press Corps abuse
Sucking up to the Russians, championing their affairs
Donald’s house of cards tumbling, blaming everyone there
And the GOP Congress is a sorry excuse
At the center is Kushner, it’s my point of view


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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