More Than a Hobby


Mia culpa I say, I can’t do what I preach
But that doesn’t stop me from preaching today
On our Independence, historic, unique
And our obligations American way

We, most of us, play politics like a hobby
We pay some attention as far as it goes
And sometimes our Congressmen we’ll try to. Lobby
But never our friends; fear of stepping on toes

My message dear reader, and I do mean dear
That hobbies per se never elections win
It takes dedicated, hard work, sweat and tears
And that’s sorely needed to bring the House in

I urge you, dear reader, then, not to succumb
To feelings of worthiness staying abreast
Of news as it happens, to savor each crumb
Seduced by political Sirens as come

Instead, join your Party and volunteer time
At town halls participate, Congressmen call
Make your actions meaningful, efforts sublime
Do more than a hobby I’m preaching to all



Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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