Kristof, of the Times wrote an op-ed today
That caught my attention as being unique
He wrote about Good News, his outlook’s not bleak
The world’s gotten better in meaningful ways
He writes about leprosy, scourge to detest
In three years ‘twill likely be gone from the Earth
Too, since 1990 world medical work
Saved hundreds of millions of children from death
Each day many thousands from poverty rise
And daily, by thousands, clean water they get
And thousands join on an electrical net
Most everyone knows how to read and to write
Hot wars are the answers to failures in talks
Increasingly they have become obsolete
War deaths are dramatically down from their peaks
Throughout the last century: govs. ruled by hawks
So if you’re discouraged by news of the day
Think back to the traumas of those yesteryears
Of hot wars, pandemics, most living in fear
We’re much better off on this 4th Holiday
Thanks for the optimistic note as you said there are a lot of things that are much better
I like this message. There is a rainbow. Just taking time for it to emerge. History, Hope, Tomorrow