Trump’s latest on healthcare, since Mitch hasn’t won
Is kill the Obama Care, repeal it now
And worry replacing it later some how
The millions who’d lose it would be thirty one
Trump’s upcoming meeting with Putin’s in sight
With flattery weapons he’ll get what he wants
From Trump, whose non prep for this meeting Trump flaunts
But other news dominates thoughts for tonight
It’s voter suppression that’s back in the news
Election Integrity, Trump’s been promoting
By looking for three million aliens voting
This new Trump commission wants data on you
Trump’s seeking excuses to thwart voter turnout
Vote fraud is a problem that doesn’t exist
Republican claims that it really persists
Are demonstrably massively false there’s no doubt
Trump’s efforts toward problems that truly aren’t there
Stand out in stark contrast with what Russia’ doing:
Gross hacking continues; elections they’re screwing
While Trump’s doing nothing to counter the bear