Republican Strategy


The newsmen are focused on Trump’s psychodrama
It takes all the oxygen out of the air
Each day’s a new act in DC’s Trump-A-Rama
While real news is happening else everywhere

Republicans holed behind Senate closed doors
Are drafting Trump Health Care most secretively
When ready they’ll rush for a vote on the floor
No hearings, no changing, no transparency

They’ve gutted financial Dodd-Frank bill as well
Where much of Consumer Protection was tossed
And eased up the bank rules, so now when banks fail
The public is burdened with most of the costs

The House passed this bill labeled: Financial Choice
With hardly a mention throughout cable news
It’s full speed ahead, don’t look back, no remorse
While the Press’s attention on Trump remains glued


Meddlesome Priest


“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”
Henry the Second’s poignant Shakespearean plea
Comey so quoted when telling of Trump’s request:
To lay off the Flynn probe, letting Flynn go scot free

What did we learn new from Comey’s testimony?
Trump’s in the cross hairs of Mueller’s intel team
Obstruction of justice among possibilities
As is Jeff Sessions, more Russian talks it seems

Marc Kasowitz, new lawyer whom Don Trump hired
Tried to rebut the statements that Comey made
Claimed they were false; it’s Comey who was the liar
With this defense it’s Trump who should be afraid

Things don’t bode well for Trump and his presidency
From here on out his position will just get worse
His base support will be losing its buoyancy
That meddlesome priest has implanted on Trump his curse





The Senate Intel hearings were a mockery today
They featured Admiral Rogers who directs the NSA
And former Senator Dan Coats, who’s now the DNI
When queried by the Senators they chose not to reply

However, yesterday the Post revealed in great detail
That Coats was asked by Donald Trump, the Flynn probe to derail
By pressuring James Comey to desist investigating
But Coats said no, since doing so, he’d justice be obstructing

When Coats was asked if Donald Trump had made him this request
He opted not to answer proving loyalty in test
The loyalty that Trump demands of everyone he hires
The same he asked of Comey who refused and then was fired

Tomorrow Comey testifies before this same committee
Which publicized his leading speech. This time it’s Trump I pity
What Comey wrote, if proven true, of Trump’s misdeeds and lies
Should be enough for Donald Trump’s political demise


Whom To Believe


News bombshells keep exploding daily furious and fast
New revelations ’bout Dan Coats; Jeff Sessions may not last;
In Qatar, London, Canada Trump’s tweeting’s causing frowns
The White House tried to hire staff, good people turned them down

Investigations going on, the FBI, the House,
The Treasury and Senate so to learn what’s there about
Collusion with the Russians, and attempts by Trump to halt
Ongoing probes of Trump teams role and who might be at fault

Come Thursday morning, ten o’clock the Intel hearings start
James Comey, under oath will testify what was his part
In private conversations with Don Trump where Trump did ask
That Comey stop the probe on Flynn, but he refused that task

Now Trump is scared and furious, he can’t just let this be
He’ll counter Comey word for word on Twitter as he speaks
Much of the world as audience will witness this event:
Whom to believe, the FBI or a lying President?


The Not So GOP


I can recall not long ago conservative Republicans
But they are near extinction in the Congress as composed of late
Conservatives have been replaced by radicals who chose to run
And move the Party to the Right in how they choose to operate

Throughout the decade they’ve behaved in ways that aren’t traditional
The government they halted, they refused a SCOTUS candidate,
Attempted to block voters and elected one irrational
Ignored Trump’s violations and denied the climate’s changing rate

The GOP’s agenda, which most desperately they want to pass
Is currently in limbo due to Trump’s intense entanglements
His Party, being so unique, might turn against him all en mass
And force him out; then put Pence in, since Trump is such a detriment


Pres. Pence


There’s been a lot of talk of late: impeachment of Don Trump
It’s difficult deciding which offense among his many
It may well be collusion back when Trump was on the stump
Or, of late, obstructing justice might be just as good as any

A saying old in stories told advises us take care
When wishing for a happening to come out of the blue
For unintended consequences always be prepared
Be mindful what you’re wishing for in case it does come true

We’re Trump to quit as President, meet President Mike Pence
Mike Pence does not buy evolution, climate-change not real
Planned Parenthood in Indiana Pence was much against
His views on things political have far right-wing appeal

He lied about his knowing Flynn had met with Kislyak
His speech about Obama Care was much of it untrue
However he’s pro NATO; he’s revealed his income tax
And he’s not beholden to the Kremlin, USA true blue

As long as Trump’s in office his agenda won’t get through
His ineptitude and scandals do insure that nothing’s done
Were it Pence, he’d be successful, all his bills would move, it’s true
So it’s best to stick with Trump until elections that we’ve won




Trump views the world as zero sum with winners and with losers
His spectacles are polarized to see just black and white
You’re with him or against him, any subtlety confuses
That world nations could agree is on beyond Trump’s sight

If it is really good for them, it must be bad for us
In any case it’s all a hoax; the scientists are wrong
Trump denigrates diplomacy; throws science ‘neath the bus
Two pillars of society that make our nation strong

Although good competition helps to make us be our best
Cooperation’s been what’s greased societal advance
Where interests that are common far outweigh each nation’s quest
And leadership encompasses the world so to enhance

Trump severed us from the Accord where fighting change begins
This choice to cut was Trump’s alone, just he was free to choose
In doing so Trump made the claim: America would WIN
However, what is clear to me: the outcome is LOSE, LOSE




Some people are true builders, all creative to the core
The ones who as a child would stack high towers from wood blocks
As well, there are destroyers, all destructive, often more
Who, as a child would happily such towers downward knock

And then there’s Trump, our President where building is his trade
He has his name on edifices built throughout the Earth
You’d think he’d be a builder but he’s not, I am afraid
All things and people that he’s touched diminish in their worth

Trump’s anti-Midas touch destroyed much of his campaign team
His actions have diminished Pres. Obama’s legacy
Most trusted of advisors he’s destroying as we speak
All governmental ethics gone, and gone morality

Most disconcerting in my mind, Trump’s biggest casualty
Is our position in the world. We were the leader true
A shining beacon, democratic, leader of the free
Trump abdicated leadership for which we’ll come to rue


No Retreat


A day of days like every day for Trump, the President
The daily drip, drip news on Russia has become a flood
More “interest” names for F. B. Eyes; subpoenaed evidence
But on this day Trump’s actions were so bad that they were good

Trump cancelled our commitment to the climate-change accord
That all the countries of the world signed on that they’d abide
Except for Nicaragua (weak) and Syria (at war)
It changed how we relate to countries who’ve been on our side

But I expect a backlash, a renewed commitment toward
The goals of the agreement by our industries and states
Because of Trump I see resurgence manifesting forward
Our countering of climate change as the accord relates

And we’ll still lead technologies clean energy and more
Trump’s negative agenda will result in his defeat
It’s time for each of us to act, the atmosphere restore
Throughout the world that is the goal and we will not retreat


Bye Bye Jeff


Jeff Sessions, Jeff Sessions, our country’s AG
Enforcer of justice, defender of laws
You set the example for others to see
However your actions have given us pause

Perhaps it’s Alzheimer’s attacking your brain
You failed to disclose meetings with Kislyak
When pressed you revealed twice, but met him again
And never disclosed it concealing the facts

Should all this prove accurate, Sessions bye bye
Recusals won’t work this time; time to resign
The same’s true for Kushner who likewise did lie
The Acting AG soon will be Rosenstein
