Laughing Out Loud


McConnoll’s a shrewd politician, agreed
He knows what he’s doing when pushing a bill
He knows that the President desperately needs
A winner before they all leave from the Hill

A winner is needed to maintain Trump’s base
Without it they’re likely to dwindle away
The GOP needs them this upcoming race
To keep their control of both Houses this way

Trump’s Wealth-Care’s McConnell’s one singular chance
To give Trump a winner before four July
He must drive it quickly avoiding off ramps
And draft the bill only with whom he relies

His secretive tactics are not based on shame
Although there is much of which not to be proud
To Mitch it’s a tradeoff House seats versus blame
Toward Dems. Mitch McConnell is laughing out loud


Jon Ossoff


J. Ossoff of Georgia, tomorrow’s the vote
Opposed by K. Handel who’s far to the right
The polls have them tied and what’s worthy of note.
This race may foretell midterms, not distant from sight

More pressing its impact on Trump’s Healthcare Bill
That thirteen Republican senators wrote
In secret, no hearings, McConnell then will
Coerce his Republicans, for it to vote

However, should Jon win tomorrow’s election
It might give the senators cause to surmise
That maybe they ought to reverse their selection
Supporting this measure may not be so wise

So Jon, we appreciate all you have done
We know it’s your first time for office to run
Your campaign’s been worthy ‘though never much fun
We hope to be cheering you after you’ve won






We watched tonight on MSNBC
A replay of the Watergate affair
We found it worth the time it takes to see
The parallels and non with what was there

Both Trump and Nixon have, in common, traits
Among them the propensity to lie
Deep paranoia, adversarial hate
It’s these that fueled Pres. Nixon’s term’s demise

Some traits were not in common ‘tween the two
Dick Nixon, smart, politically astute
He knew the ways of Washington few do
And he accomplished much, we don’t dispute

Some phrases carry over similarly
Like massacre, deep throat, and lashing out
A looming cancer on the presidency
The end could be the same, we have few doubts

It saddened me the fate that Nixon met
He had so much potential that was lost
His demons did him in; and we’ll see yet
The presidency Trump’s demons will him cost




Observing the Democrats up on the Hill
They seem in a frenzy surrounding Pres. Trump
They want him indicted, impeached, or kept still
By whatever means, kick him out, get him dumped

I say this is foolish on three different counts
The first is: his chaos is good for the Dems
It slows his agenda of bills we don’t want
Makes distant the day we’d hail President Pence

My reason the third’s more important by far
We’re not going to win running just against Trump
Or just emulating our last winning star
We need a real vision to take on the stump

A vision restoring our world-leader role
With faith in our leaders to deal morally
Address our real problems abroad and at home
And put people first, meeting needs actually

People first for America






Trump’s deliberate misperceptions are intended for his base
Since, of late, his popularity polled close to record lows
It means he’s losing base support, that’s hard for Trump to face
He’s got to turn the polls around; deception’s all he knows

Jim Comey’s testimony gave the perfect opportunity
For Trump to claim exoneration from the Russian cloud
That at that time, as Comey said, he wasn’t under scrutiny
That put the whole investigation seriously in doubt

Trump knows he is fallacious when he says the probe is fake
He knows that Comey’s statements just applied to what was then
He also knows his Presidency is ultimately at stake
He knows the truth must be concealed from all we citizens

Now Trump is under probe for him obstructing probes on Flynn
But Trump claims this is foolish, clearly that he’d been obstructing
Investigations that are moot, the verdict had come in
This is his ploy, the probes go on despite Trump’s obfuscating




WAPO broke the news today that Trump’s been under scrutiny
For possibly obstructing FBI’s investigation
Into possible collusion and Trump – Soviet relations
Trump may yet get Mueller fired as would fit his form of lunacy

More important in the news was an attempted massive murder
James Hodgkimson with rifle started shooting at Republicans
Out practicing preparing for their annual base-ball game against
The Democrats of Congress. Cops then stopped his firing further

Six were injured by his rampage: Matt Mika and Steve Scalise
Both in critical condition. Hodgkimson was shot, is dead
He appeared propelled politically, extremely left, its said
Public rhetoric political when nasty often leads to grief

We’re adversaries, Dems and Reps, not enemies at all
When either is attacked, the Speaker, Ryan, said today
We all have been attacked; it is with certainty we say
We stand together all as one, and we shall never fall


Senate Activities

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Senate Activities

Well, Jeff Sessions testified and he lied as we predicted
He had sworn to tell whole truth, then refused when he was questioned
Just like Coats a week ago, talks with Trump were all resisted
Citing non existing privileges and rules made up by Sessions

More importantly the version by the Senate, now called Trump Care
Is so bad they keep it hidden. Just ten hours for debate
Seems it differs from the House bill stretching the demise to where
Seven years are now required decimating Medicaid

But the Democrats will slow-walk using every trick they know
Giving time for the Progressives to respond, to demonstrate
Now’s the time to tell Republicans to vote this bill a NO
Not to let this bill the Senate on the public perpetrate


Cock-a-May-Me News


Three trillion is the estimate for health-care costs this year
The Senate’s health-care bill was formulated secretly
Not a hearing, not a viewing, Democrats were nowhere near
When it leaves the CBO they’ll vote on it most hastily

The House-version’s popularity was at seventeen percent
More than twenty million people would be losing their health care
We don’t know the Senate’s version, but the GOP’s intent
Is to give a whopping tax break to their multi-millionaires

In other news the rumor is that Mueller will be fired
By Trump because Trump worries ’bout what Mueller might yet find
But Congress lets Trump off the hook; he’s where they all desire
They’ve got sufficient goods on Trump, their bills he’ll gladly sign

Jeff Sessions, under oath, will open-session testify
I don’t expect his answers to reveal much that is true
Whether under oath or not, he’s not afraid to lie
He’ll lie for Trump. It’s really what Trump “hired” him to do





Late afternoon my wife and I attended live a concert
Six choruses throughout our State performed; each sang its best
Aside from love of singing, they in common did assert
Their LGB identity, TQ and all the rest

Delightful the performances, the singers having fun
The audience, a true full house, was with them for the ride
I marveled how the movement’s grown from where it had begun
The over arching theme in song was: be what’s there inside

There’d been great progress made throughout Obama’s heady days
But Trump’s engendered lots of doubt with Sessions and with Pence
Jeff Sessions has for twenty years supported anti gay
And Pence supported shocking youths to rid them of this stench

It’s easy, those of us not gay, to think they’re not of us
And disregard politically the prejudicial acts
That every day are perpetrated, making not a fuss
But they are us, as such we must help keep their world intact




The stuff that I’m hearing and reading of late
From wool dyed Trump backers come whatever may
Or wool brained supporters. (What else can I say?)
Has soured my stomach and made me irate

Sean Hannity’s take on what Comey revealed
That Trump’s in the clear and the Press got it wrong
He was not under probe, but that won’t last for long
Trump behaves like afraid that the Russians might squeal

More important by far is what Russia has done
They’re freely pursuing their cyber warfare
Of hacking and publishing news that’s not there
While Trump shows no interest in what they’ve begun

Where are Sean and his minions on Russia’s attacks
Do they doubt that it’s happening, doubt that it’s real
Do they sanction inaction; is there some secret deal?
I get really irate when they discount plain facts
