We called our Senators! Have you?
Putin’s Meddling
The Post bylined an article revealing the extent
Of Russian interference in our voting, hacking in
Directed by Vlad Putin whose nefarious intents
Were of Clinton, denigration and of Trump to help him win
The CIA last Autumn was aware of these attacks
And they briefed Obama fully who then briefed top Senate brass
Keep it hidden they decided, lest the voting goes off track
Labeled as a “rigged election”, which, in fact it really was
One and twenty States were targets, voter registration names
Only one was penetrated, which was found and fixed okay
But the Russians were successful hacking, spreading news that’s fake
They got everything they wanted; they’re still probing us today
Our cyber capabilities exceed the Russian’s best
It’s what we lack that bothers me and that’s our country’s will
The President’s done not a thing to thwart this Russian threat
So Putin’s free to meddle more with our elections still