We watched tonight on MSNBC
A replay of the Watergate affair
We found it worth the time it takes to see
The parallels and non with what was there
Both Trump and Nixon have, in common, traits
Among them the propensity to lie
Deep paranoia, adversarial hate
It’s these that fueled Pres. Nixon’s term’s demise
Some traits were not in common ‘tween the two
Dick Nixon, smart, politically astute
He knew the ways of Washington few do
And he accomplished much, we don’t dispute
Some phrases carry over similarly
Like massacre, deep throat, and lashing out
A looming cancer on the presidency
The end could be the same, we have few doubts
It saddened me the fate that Nixon met
He had so much potential that was lost
His demons did him in; and we’ll see yet
The presidency Trump’s demons will him cost
Could’t agree more
We also watched the Watergate documentary of Nixon and his band of cohorts. He was pardoned, the cohorts were jailed. With our current president’s administration’s dirty tricks abetted by his yes-men, there’s an eerie sense of deja vu. His yes-men had best beware.
Very well put.