WAPO broke the news today that Trump’s been under scrutiny
For possibly obstructing FBI’s investigation
Into possible collusion and Trump – Soviet relations
Trump may yet get Mueller fired as would fit his form of lunacy
More important in the news was an attempted massive murder
James Hodgkimson with rifle started shooting at Republicans
Out practicing preparing for their annual base-ball game against
The Democrats of Congress. Cops then stopped his firing further
Six were injured by his rampage: Matt Mika and Steve Scalise
Both in critical condition. Hodgkimson was shot, is dead
He appeared propelled politically, extremely left, its said
Public rhetoric political when nasty often leads to grief
We’re adversaries, Dems and Reps, not enemies at all
When either is attacked, the Speaker, Ryan, said today
We all have been attacked; it is with certainty we say
We stand together all as one, and we shall never fall