Three trillion is the estimate for health-care costs this year
The Senate’s health-care bill was formulated secretly
Not a hearing, not a viewing, Democrats were nowhere near
When it leaves the CBO they’ll vote on it most hastily
The House-version’s popularity was at seventeen percent
More than twenty million people would be losing their health care
We don’t know the Senate’s version, but the GOP’s intent
Is to give a whopping tax break to their multi-millionaires
In other news the rumor is that Mueller will be fired
By Trump because Trump worries ’bout what Mueller might yet find
But Congress lets Trump off the hook; he’s where they all desire
They’ve got sufficient goods on Trump, their bills he’ll gladly sign
Jeff Sessions, under oath, will open-session testify
I don’t expect his answers to reveal much that is true
Whether under oath or not, he’s not afraid to lie
He’ll lie for Trump. It’s really what Trump “hired” him to do
this whole thing is really discouraging and makes one yearn for Kennedy!!!
Dear Little Bird
You, perhaps are revealing your age?