Late afternoon my wife and I attended live a concert
Six choruses throughout our State performed; each sang its best
Aside from love of singing, they in common did assert
Their LGB identity, TQ and all the rest
Delightful the performances, the singers having fun
The audience, a true full house, was with them for the ride
I marveled how the movement’s grown from where it had begun
The over arching theme in song was: be what’s there inside
There’d been great progress made throughout Obama’s heady days
But Trump’s engendered lots of doubt with Sessions and with Pence
Jeff Sessions has for twenty years supported anti gay
And Pence supported shocking youths to rid them of this stench
It’s easy, those of us not gay, to think they’re not of us
And disregard politically the prejudicial acts
That every day are perpetrated, making not a fuss
But they are us, as such we must help keep their world intact