“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”
Henry the Second’s poignant Shakespearean plea
Comey so quoted when telling of Trump’s request:
To lay off the Flynn probe, letting Flynn go scot free
What did we learn new from Comey’s testimony?
Trump’s in the cross hairs of Mueller’s intel team
Obstruction of justice among possibilities
As is Jeff Sessions, more Russian talks it seems
Marc Kasowitz, new lawyer whom Don Trump hired
Tried to rebut the statements that Comey made
Claimed they were false; it’s Comey who was the liar
With this defense it’s Trump who should be afraid
Things don’t bode well for Trump and his presidency
From here on out his position will just get worse
His base support will be losing its buoyancy
That meddlesome priest has implanted on Trump his curse