The Senate Intel hearings were a mockery today
They featured Admiral Rogers who directs the NSA
And former Senator Dan Coats, who’s now the DNI
When queried by the Senators they chose not to reply
However, yesterday the Post revealed in great detail
That Coats was asked by Donald Trump, the Flynn probe to derail
By pressuring James Comey to desist investigating
But Coats said no, since doing so, he’d justice be obstructing
When Coats was asked if Donald Trump had made him this request
He opted not to answer proving loyalty in test
The loyalty that Trump demands of everyone he hires
The same he asked of Comey who refused and then was fired
Tomorrow Comey testifies before this same committee
Which publicized his leading speech. This time it’s Trump I pity
What Comey wrote, if proven true, of Trump’s misdeeds and lies
Should be enough for Donald Trump’s political demise