Whom To Believe


News bombshells keep exploding daily furious and fast
New revelations ’bout Dan Coats; Jeff Sessions may not last;
In Qatar, London, Canada Trump’s tweeting’s causing frowns
The White House tried to hire staff, good people turned them down

Investigations going on, the FBI, the House,
The Treasury and Senate so to learn what’s there about
Collusion with the Russians, and attempts by Trump to halt
Ongoing probes of Trump teams role and who might be at fault

Come Thursday morning, ten o’clock the Intel hearings start
James Comey, under oath will testify what was his part
In private conversations with Don Trump where Trump did ask
That Comey stop the probe on Flynn, but he refused that task

Now Trump is scared and furious, he can’t just let this be
He’ll counter Comey word for word on Twitter as he speaks
Much of the world as audience will witness this event:
Whom to believe, the FBI or a lying President?


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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