Pres. Pence


There’s been a lot of talk of late: impeachment of Don Trump
It’s difficult deciding which offense among his many
It may well be collusion back when Trump was on the stump
Or, of late, obstructing justice might be just as good as any

A saying old in stories told advises us take care
When wishing for a happening to come out of the blue
For unintended consequences always be prepared
Be mindful what you’re wishing for in case it does come true

We’re Trump to quit as President, meet President Mike Pence
Mike Pence does not buy evolution, climate-change not real
Planned Parenthood in Indiana Pence was much against
His views on things political have far right-wing appeal

He lied about his knowing Flynn had met with Kislyak
His speech about Obama Care was much of it untrue
However he’s pro NATO; he’s revealed his income tax
And he’s not beholden to the Kremlin, USA true blue

As long as Trump’s in office his agenda won’t get through
His ineptitude and scandals do insure that nothing’s done
Were it Pence, he’d be successful, all his bills would move, it’s true
So it’s best to stick with Trump until elections that we’ve won


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

One thought on “Pres. Pence”

  1. Sabba Rabba,
    Thank you for so adeptly bringing to our attention the consequences of a Trump-era demise. As much as we long for it to be over, I grudgingly admit Mr. Pence would be a poor replacement.

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