Trump views the world as zero sum with winners and with losers
His spectacles are polarized to see just black and white
You’re with him or against him, any subtlety confuses
That world nations could agree is on beyond Trump’s sight
If it is really good for them, it must be bad for us
In any case it’s all a hoax; the scientists are wrong
Trump denigrates diplomacy; throws science ‘neath the bus
Two pillars of society that make our nation strong
Although good competition helps to make us be our best
Cooperation’s been what’s greased societal advance
Where interests that are common far outweigh each nation’s quest
And leadership encompasses the world so to enhance
Trump severed us from the Accord where fighting change begins
This choice to cut was Trump’s alone, just he was free to choose
In doing so Trump made the claim: America would WIN
However, what is clear to me: the outcome is LOSE, LOSE