It seems news is fragile, keeps breaking all day
We follow the fragments till they fade away
But some are persistent, around they do stay
We’ll update on four of these fragments today
Trump Care for the wealthy just got a reprieve
Mitch sent all his Senators homeward on leave
The battle’s not over; not done, I believe
McConnell has plenty more there up his sleeve
The travel ban, Muslim ban, started tonight
But Trump’s definition of “family” was tight
Decreeing grand parents and kids had no right
Acquiring a visa: a new SCOTUS fight
The Senate Judiciary it now appears
Their investigation on Russia it’s clear
Is aimed at discrediting Mueller, we fear
It gets more intense as conclusions draw near
Evidence surfaced about Michael Flynn
Attempting to access from Russia within
The Emails hack-stolen from Clinton’s own bin
If that’s not collusion, I don’t know what is
Some other distractions we label as news
Like Trump tweets, disgusting, attacking into
Ms. Mika Brzezinski, her Morning Joe views
There is plenty more but that’s all that I choose