

I was questioned today: just how long will Trump last?
The question’s a good one in light of events
Most difficult questions are easy to ask
On this my emotions I’m most prone vent

But serious thought says two thousand nineteen
The year after mid-terms: the price Reps will pay
For negligence over the conflicts we’ve seen
Of Trump and his cohorts where laws don’t hold sway

The GOP leadership’s circled the wagons
Around Donald Trump, right or wrong, good or bad
No matter his actions, no matter his bragging
As long as he’ll sign legislation they have

As Trump keeps on fumbling into next year
And scandals keep being uncovered all ’round
The Dems can sweep Congress that year, it is clear
Then Trump for his deeds will be held to account


On Strike


Democrats in the Senate decided to strike
They ceased to partake of all Senate affairs
That is ’till Dep. Justice commissions the likes
Of a strong prosecutor, unbiased and fair

Meanwhile most Republicans are in denial
They publicly buy Donald Trump’s rationale
But unless they’re too dense to decipher Trump’s guile
They privately know he’s protecting his tail

They’ve sworn to uphold Constitutional law
Yet suffer his gross violations unfazed
Especially the leadership, for their own cause
They know what Trump’s doing but lower their gaze

Deep down they must know Trump’s obstructing this probe
He knows ’twill eventually prove that he’s guilty
Of long-term collusion with Russia in hopes
That with their support, ‘President’ might be likely

Hats off to the Senators making a fuss
I hope they continue ’till they have success
We need resolution, results we can trust
Without it what happens is anyone’s guess




Well, just when you think Trump could never do worse
Do worse for himself than he’s already done
He pulls off a stunt that will work in reverse
Ensuring those probes of collusion stay on

A new prosecutor will now be required
Since Trump demonstrated obstructional goals
His Trumped-up excuses to get Comey fired
Reveal his real panic, deep digging his hole

Each day it is clearer that Trump is concealing
Activities he and his stooges partook of
Collusion with Russia his acts are revealing
But firing Comey has everyone shook up

So far it’s the dumbest thing Trump’s ever tried
Trump’s starting to dig his political grave
Even Republicans cannot abide
Afraid they’ll go down with him; nothing will save


The Hearing

I will be on travel for the next couple weeks so my contributions may be a bit sporadic.

The Hearing

The Intel Committee of our great Upper House
Conducted a hearing, ’twas live on TV
It featured two witnesses who, there’s no doubt
Gave Trump cause to worry, their testimony

The Honorable James Clapper the former DNI
The Honorable Ms Yates former Acting AG
Both acquitted self admirably though the panel tried
To sully decisions made responsibly

I’ll focus on Sally’s key statements so true
That told of the danger to the country Flynn was
When she told White House Counsel the terrible news
About Flynn and the Russians; they did nothing because …

And therein lies the question, why did Trump nothing do
Too, we learned that Trump hired Flynn to be NSA
Against advice from Obama, short of clearances too
Trump ignored Yate’s warnings for some thirteen more days

If it weren’t for some leaker to the Washington Post
Michael Flynn would remain NSA to this day
Why has Trump favored Flynn? On my mind uppermost
I’m suspecting the answer’s what I’m fearful to say

Michael Flynn is the lynchpin on collusion with Putin
He knows all of the dirt on this sordid affair
Trump needs Flynn as an ally, lest he does the Trump in
Flynn’s requested immunity, his soul he’d bare

But Republicans favor a drawn-out approach
They’re afraid that the President might not survive
Revelations of collusion. It would doom all their hopes
So they wear narrow blinders keeping Trump’s myth alive


Profile In Courage


‘Twas at the Boston library that’s named for J.F.K.
Obama was awarded the Profiles In Courage award
John Kennedy’s age, were he alive, a century today
The first year he was President, that’s when Barack was born

Obama’s speech was eloquent, a joy to hear him say
His central theme was courage like John Kennedy displayed
The courage, too, of Congressmen who passed the ACA
Who, knowing that they’d pay a price, still voted undismayed

He spoke of normal citizens, who do, in spite of fear
Take countless risks for all of us in unassuming ways
Our troops, our cops, our first responders, Peace Corps volunteers
The list goes on exemplifying courage every day

To cap his speech he counseled us on history’s jagged course
That progress is quite fragile, we must ever be involved
To make aware our politicians what they should endorse
And have the courage to be heard. Democracy evolves


The Trump Effect


This theme’s inspired by F. Zakaria, Newsmax news on line
Concerning Trump, his impact, how we’re viewed the world around
Trump’s lack of foreign policies, Trump’s flip-flops on a dime
Affect their local politics with right-groups gaining ground

In Mexico, L. Obrador, extreme right populist
His campaign has been anti-Trump, which gained him in the poles
From ten percent to thirty, giving him a likely win
In Mexico’s election next: the Trump Effect behold

Consider South Korea, there the Trump Effect is strong
Trump’s THAAD demands, agreement threats on South Korean trade
And Trump’s belligerence against the North, most see as wrong
Has bolstered left-wing Moon Jae-in who’s anti-Trump in spades

Trump’s nastiness against Iran, attacking the Agreement
Has jeopardized their President Rouhani; he’s the moderate
The list goes on; the Trump Effect, its downward sentiment
Will linger long past when Trump’s gone; ’twill be our future fate


Fancy Bear’s Back


It worked so well for Trump before, they’ve done it for Le Pen
The master Kremlin hackers, known around as Fancy Bear
The tactic used on Hillary, to hack her net and then
Release her data timely; it hit Macron unaware

On Sunday France will there elect their country’s President
The moderate Macron against Le Pen, extremely right
Her goal’s to leave the EU; NATO ties she, too, would rent
Her goals align with Putin’s who wants her to win this fight

The Russian hackers secretly were hacking Macron’s files
Throughout the past few months they gathered gigabits of stuff
To which they added news that’s fake and held it for a while
Until tonight, they dumped it leaving Macron in the buff

France has a blackout law the day before Election Day
No news or views pertaining to election can be cast
The timing of this data dump was just before the stay
Macron would have time, not enough to counter Putin’s blast

Beyond the fact of France’s role in NATO and EU
The fact that Russia hack-attacks all with impunity
And she continues to this day while we ignore her, too
I feel as though I’m living through some Faustian fantasy


Pyrrhic Victory


The votes were there, just barely so, two hundred seventeen
Trump’s resurrected zombie actually made it through the House
For this I really credit Trump and Ryan whose smoke screen
Of over statements on the bill allayed some members’ doubts

The impetus behind this bill: tax cuts for well-to-do
They sourced those cuts from Medicaid, gouged twenty five percent
This transfer now was needed to prepare tax-cuts anew
As part of Trump’s reform plan, credibility there spent

The Congressmen all voted blind, most hadn’t read the bill
The CBO had scored it not; no member knew the costs
But they all knew that coverage loss by millions sure would kill
Those who depend on ACA, who’d die with coverage loss

Republicans who voted yea, I pity you this choice
You elevated politics above your folk’s well being
Your celebrated pyrrhic win in which you all rejoiced
An albatross your neck will wear that folks will all be seeing


News Tonight


Republicans now claim they have sufficient votes
Enough to pass the latest version of Trump’s zombie care
I do expect grass-root response of massive size, take note
It would surprise me not if all those votes will not be there

In other news James Comey in a session on the Hill
Relayed that Russia’s meddling is going on full force
That Russia is democracy’s true greatest threat, he feels
Meanwhile the Trump denies it’s true; that is his stance of course

Mahmoud Abbas and Donald Trump had also met today
Where Trump pronounced the peace process was easier than thought
Meanwhile Abbas, back home, relayed: no details did Trump say
Although I think Trump’s treading… his intentions I applaud

In Syria, Russia proposed zones of de-escalation
Kim complained on China, i.e. China’s warnings heard
Climate-change starvation deaths in African poor nations
On situations ’round the World we get so little word


The Congressional Review Act (CRA)


Just sixty legislative days from when a reg is signed
It’s all the time the Trump team had the regs to nullify
The regs Obama, by his EOs, signed and left behind
Trump used the CRA to cause Obama’s regs to die

The CRA’s a perfect tool; Trump wields it like a sword
A majority of one’s enough to kill a regulation
The ouster can’t be challenged nor the reg e’re be restored
Trump nullified Obama’s regs with no discrimination

Among the regs erased by Trump were rules to do with coal,
Environment, abortion, education, labor laws,
Industrial pollution, women’s health and gun control,
Mining, and the internet: all rules for safety’s cause

These are the true accomplishments of Trump’s first hundred days

5/2/17 Continue reading “The Congressional Review Act (CRA)”