Memorial Day


In Gold-Star families what remain are memories of loved ones dead
Each day is a Memorial Day; each day the emptiness they dread
It once was Decoration Day; it once occurred on thirty May
It honored Civil War demised, the bloodiest unto today

We’ve fought so many wars since then, it’s more a million soldiers killed
We honor you who lost your life, that other’s lives might be fulfilled
Know, in that realm where spirits dwell, your sacrifice was not in vain
And that historically right now the world’s more peaceful than it’s been

The path to universal peace is not through universal war
Nor dictatorial governance. Those paths were tried and failed before
It’s slow, but it is happening, the world’s evolving destiny
Is to a time Memorial Days will be a distant memory


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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