Sergei Kislyak


S. Kislyak, ambassador from Russia to United States
Is celebrating constantly success beyond imaginings
With all the secret meetings held with Trump’s most senior underlings
A year or more to present day they signified success that’s great

Where Jared Kushner, son-in-law, adviser to our President,
Requested that Sergei establish secretly a covert line
Bypassing our Intelligence, from Trump to Putin by design
To keep our Press and government all in the dark and ignorant

Jeff Sessions, Kushner, Manafort and Flynn all lied deliberately
On meetings held with Kislyak, like espionage, or so it seems
He has some hold on them and Trump; it fits the nature of a scheme
And if I ventured forth a guess, I’d say it stinks financially

Trump had to know what’s happening; we think it’s only reasonable
Although he’ll likely claim it’s false: all made-up stories, all fake news
The more we learn, the worse it gets. It’s like the tightening of a noose
Supporting aims of adversaries can be seen as treasonable


Author: Sabba Rabba

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