All code-word data are sensitive stuff
It’s data that can’t be restricted too much
In this case it came from a close allied source
Not to be shared with the Russians, of course
Trump has the authority, no question there
He can say what he wants any time, any where
The questions are discipline, judgement and trust
Trump’s simply unfit, and to oust him we must
It is Comey’s practice to draft up a memo
Of key conversations, and send to his fellow
Top agents in order to cover his rear
One meeting with Trump happened early this year
In it Trump asked him to drop the Flynn probe
And Comey’s response was respectfully, “no”
Presuming this memo’s recounting is true
As “smoking revolver” this clearly will do
So, we have a President, clearly unfit,
Sufficient evidence, him to unseat,
But not yet the will among those in the House
It’ll still be a while before we get him out