Mother’s Day


Mothers really are special politically so
Of course, in addition to all other ways
The motherhood pedestal’s up there, you know,
But what of real mothers on this Mother’s Day?

Real mothers and also real mothers to be
Must cope with the real world that’s not always kind
Health care that’s affordable, clinics to see
Child care while she’s working – these are oft hard to find

It appears that Republicans don’t seem to care
About mothers or children, their health and well-being
When they cut from their funding large sums that were there
For such mothers and children, their future denying

This is also short sighted added to its faults other
Since America’s future is this new generation
Whose young outlook on life largely came from their mothers
Given GOP leaders I’m concerned for the nation


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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