Profile In Courage


‘Twas at the Boston library that’s named for J.F.K.
Obama was awarded the Profiles In Courage award
John Kennedy’s age, were he alive, a century today
The first year he was President, that’s when Barack was born

Obama’s speech was eloquent, a joy to hear him say
His central theme was courage like John Kennedy displayed
The courage, too, of Congressmen who passed the ACA
Who, knowing that they’d pay a price, still voted undismayed

He spoke of normal citizens, who do, in spite of fear
Take countless risks for all of us in unassuming ways
Our troops, our cops, our first responders, Peace Corps volunteers
The list goes on exemplifying courage every day

To cap his speech he counseled us on history’s jagged course
That progress is quite fragile, we must ever be involved
To make aware our politicians what they should endorse
And have the courage to be heard. Democracy evolves


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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