Fancy Bear’s Back


It worked so well for Trump before, they’ve done it for Le Pen
The master Kremlin hackers, known around as Fancy Bear
The tactic used on Hillary, to hack her net and then
Release her data timely; it hit Macron unaware

On Sunday France will there elect their country’s President
The moderate Macron against Le Pen, extremely right
Her goal’s to leave the EU; NATO ties she, too, would rent
Her goals align with Putin’s who wants her to win this fight

The Russian hackers secretly were hacking Macron’s files
Throughout the past few months they gathered gigabits of stuff
To which they added news that’s fake and held it for a while
Until tonight, they dumped it leaving Macron in the buff

France has a blackout law the day before Election Day
No news or views pertaining to election can be cast
The timing of this data dump was just before the stay
Macron would have time, not enough to counter Putin’s blast

Beyond the fact of France’s role in NATO and EU
The fact that Russia hack-attacks all with impunity
And she continues to this day while we ignore her, too
I feel as though I’m living through some Faustian fantasy


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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