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Over the past hundred days Trump’s been revealing who’s Trump
Not the circus barker, nor classic con man, Trump on the stump

Not the Art-Of-The-Deal man of businesses past, ‘though not really past
But Trump, the now President, where life’s not so easy, where issues are vast

Health care’s complex; trade is complex; Congress, a veritable can of worms
He thought he could do this President thing his way, on his familiar terms

Brooks of the New York Times: “Trump’s competency has gone from catastrophic
To merely inadequate.” That’s progress, I guess, albeit somewhat anemic

We’ve learned that Trump: will reverse from his prior position, harbors no deep convictions;
Has little patience for details; hardly reads what he is signing; rides roughshod over restrictions

Trump gets his info from Vanity Fair, and whoever spoke to him last
He measures successes by his rating stats and steals the news cycle with tweets that he casts

He’s still anti climate-change, pro plant pollution, he’s for arctic drilling, but not women’s health
His budget cuts Arts, and it also strips bare both State and the EPA much of their wealth

The Washington swamp under Trump has grown deeper, and ethics been wavered away
This, then, is my brief sketch President Trump as viewed after one hundred days


Author: Sabba Rabba

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