G7 Summit


Trump here at home has problems never ending
With Putin ties more evident each day
His son-in-law’s new problems not withstanding
Trump’s foray over seas leaves us dismayed

Trump’s arrogance and ignorance were on display
At Europe’s summit of G7 nations
Alliance bonds with Europe were severely frayed
Most serious, our German joint relations

For fifty years or more a Kremlin aim
Has been to break the U.S. German ties
It now appears that Trump will take the blame
For Putin having thus achieved this prize


Memorial Day


In Gold-Star families what remain are memories of loved ones dead
Each day is a Memorial Day; each day the emptiness they dread
It once was Decoration Day; it once occurred on thirty May
It honored Civil War demised, the bloodiest unto today

We’ve fought so many wars since then, it’s more a million soldiers killed
We honor you who lost your life, that other’s lives might be fulfilled
Know, in that realm where spirits dwell, your sacrifice was not in vain
And that historically right now the world’s more peaceful than it’s been

The path to universal peace is not through universal war
Nor dictatorial governance. Those paths were tried and failed before
It’s slow, but it is happening, the world’s evolving destiny
Is to a time Memorial Days will be a distant memory


Sergei Kislyak


S. Kislyak, ambassador from Russia to United States
Is celebrating constantly success beyond imaginings
With all the secret meetings held with Trump’s most senior underlings
A year or more to present day they signified success that’s great

Where Jared Kushner, son-in-law, adviser to our President,
Requested that Sergei establish secretly a covert line
Bypassing our Intelligence, from Trump to Putin by design
To keep our Press and government all in the dark and ignorant

Jeff Sessions, Kushner, Manafort and Flynn all lied deliberately
On meetings held with Kislyak, like espionage, or so it seems
He has some hold on them and Trump; it fits the nature of a scheme
And if I ventured forth a guess, I’d say it stinks financially

Trump had to know what’s happening; we think it’s only reasonable
Although he’ll likely claim it’s false: all made-up stories, all fake news
The more we learn, the worse it gets. It’s like the tightening of a noose
Supporting aims of adversaries can be seen as treasonable




The dots have broadened into blotches
Coincidences I don’t buy
They read like Press-reporter “gotchas”
Incidences that don’t die

Multi-meetings with the Russians
By Trump’s senior personnel
Of which there were no clear admissions
On their clearance forms, do tell

Jeff Sessions, Kushner, Manafort
And Flynn all lied deliberately
Why did all four fail to report
Their contacts, blaming memory

Deutsche Bank, a Russian business
Known for ruble laundering
Three hundred million, more or less
They’ve loaned to Trump. Most interesting!

Among the sources paying Flynn
Which he forgot somehow to mention
Was Kapersky Labs, a firm
Whose cyber software gains attention

According to the FBI
Kapersky Labs was one involved
With stealing Emails like a spy
What was Flynn’s role, needs be resolved

The dots keep manifesting strong
Much more than I can here relate
New evidence keeps piling on
It’s hard just keeping up to date


Trump’s Proposed Budget


One a-trillion, two a-trillion, three a-trillion, STOP
That’s the tax break slated for the wealthy on the top
That money comes from Medicaid and stamps for buying food,
The National Institutes of Health curtailing research good
From education, refugees, our source of future wealth
The Centers for Disease Control, from Global Public Health
One million lives that won’t survive in Africa it’s deemed
Impoverished inner-city kids deprived of future dreams
The largest Robinhood reversal in our history
That’s all in Trump’s proposal favored by the GOP


Riyadh and Israel


As always I look for some positive news
When writing of Trump’s escapades every day
In Riyadh Trump’s speech expressed our nation’s views
On interests we share against terrorists’ ways

He spoke to the leaders Islamic state’s
The summit of fifty, of joint partnership
To combat the evil of ISIS so great
Ignoring that most are true dictatorships

The next day in Israel, back to himself,
Trump managed to place both his feet in his mouth
Implying ’twas Israel’s secrets we held
He braggingly told senior Russians about

For seven more days Trump will be on this trip
Crossing fingers and toes, we can hope for the best
But sanguine I’m not, Trump most surely will quip
Saying things that will put foreign ties to the test




I’ve talked of impeachment and justice denied
The House and the Senate each set their own test
On what constitutes an impeachable crime
Obstruction of justice is murky at best

No law’s on the books against foreign collusion
It’s not prosecutable criminally
Whatever the politics, it’s my conclusion
There’ll be no indictment of Trump readily

Mueller is needed but isn’t enough
We need a commission to investigate
Collusion and all other related stuff
Informing the public what really took place

Dave Brooks, in an op ed, described Trump succinctly
A man who’s mature as a second-grade child
Enabled by Ryan and Mitchel who clearly
Support him no matter his actions so wild

The Democrats must take the Senate and House
In mid-term elections in twenty eighteen
To try to impeach Trump and bring about change
Mike Pence is adult, though he’s deeply right wing




I certainly welcome the Mueller appointment
Who answers to Rosenstein; Trump’s not involved
With years of experience in this department
He’s honest, he’s thorough, he works with resolve

Supporters of Trump are denouncing this move
Trump says it’s a witch hunt, some say it’s a coup
I wonder what they all expect it to prove
In any case I say it’s long overdue

With Mueller in charge don’t expect any leaks
No public announcements, no progress reports
He runs a tight ship; he takes care when he speaks
His conclusions when done will survive any court

I expect this may take up to six months or more
During which Trump might suffer from increasing stress
And become more erratic than he’s been before
Just what he might do becomes anyone’s guess

What now constitutes an impeachable crime
Is somewhat uncertain, each Chamber decides
Republican leadership seems to be blind
Justice, with Mueller may yet be denied

It’ll Still Be a While


All code-word data are sensitive stuff
It’s data that can’t be restricted too much
In this case it came from a close allied source
Not to be shared with the Russians, of course

Trump has the authority, no question there
He can say what he wants any time, any where
The questions are discipline, judgement and trust
Trump’s simply unfit, and to oust him we must

It is Comey’s practice to draft up a memo
Of key conversations, and send to his fellow
Top agents in order to cover his rear
One meeting with Trump happened early this year

In it Trump asked him to drop the Flynn probe
And Comey’s response was respectfully, “no”
Presuming this memo’s recounting is true
As “smoking revolver” this clearly will do

So, we have a President, clearly unfit,
Sufficient evidence, him to unseat,
But not yet the will among those in the House
It’ll still be a while before we get him out


Mother’s Day


Mothers really are special politically so
Of course, in addition to all other ways
The motherhood pedestal’s up there, you know,
But what of real mothers on this Mother’s Day?

Real mothers and also real mothers to be
Must cope with the real world that’s not always kind
Health care that’s affordable, clinics to see
Child care while she’s working – these are oft hard to find

It appears that Republicans don’t seem to care
About mothers or children, their health and well-being
When they cut from their funding large sums that were there
For such mothers and children, their future denying

This is also short sighted added to its faults other
Since America’s future is this new generation
Whose young outlook on life largely came from their mothers
Given GOP leaders I’m concerned for the nation
