Sipping MacAllan


Sipping MacAllan I ponder the news
I watch and I listen to alternate views
Today was so crowded I hardly could choose
That which aught to be put into verse

Much, today, centered ’round General Mike Flynn
Chaffetz and Cummings got nothing turned in
On Flynn from the White House, their probe to begin
The White House stonewalling, of course

Mike, it is known, took in Russian sourced fees
But obtained no approval as requires DOD
A criminal offense; jail he’s likely to see
Bad things may soon be getting much worse

The Trump health-care plan in its new zombie state
Couldn’t garner the votes; to back burners its fate
It may be resurrected at some future date
And show up in the back of a hurst

Later this evening from Reuters we heard
Trump had announced with belligerent words
Something quite dangerous I find absurd
A major conflict is likely to burst

With North Korea a conflict is likely
It’s likely, it’s likely he said, absolutely
Kim could respond starting war really nasty
Trump’s name then would forever be cursed

It appears that my scotch glass is empty and dry
And the sand man has sprinkled some sand in my eyes
So I’ll bid you good morrow, good night, by and by
Trump, tomorrow, his words, might reverse


Author: Sabba Rabba

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