All week we’ve been hearing ’bout Trump’s tax reform
His crowning achievement the first hundred days
Rumor caused markets to rise above norm
Mnuchin this afternoon read what it said
The plan’s not a plan; just a few paragraphs
It is not tax reform, just horrendous tax cuts
It would increase our deficit trillions. We laugh,
Since it won’t get enough of our senators’ votes
It cut corporate rates to just fifteen percent
It abolished the alternate minimum tax
Introduced by Ron Reagan so as to prevent
The wealthy from paying no tax, that’s a fact
It also stopped taxing at death, one’s estate
Which matters at ten-plus-one millions in cash
It’s there to stop fortunes from growing too great
O’re generations, their money to stash
It’s clear that Trump’s plan, which was less than two pages
Is Republican Reaganesque trickle-down nonsense
The plan does but little to raise worker’s wages
GDP growth comes mainly from fair recompense
I find it revealing, when Trump’s plan was shown
The market, just prior, was at all-time highs
The market reversed itself, dropping back down
Signaling knowledge that this plan won’t fly