Mike Flynn II


Chaffetz and Cummings were on stage today
A rare occurrence given our politics
But more to the point is what they had to say
That Flynn might face charges that likely will stick

Flynn’s Russian excursion; Turkey’s there too
His payments from known Kremlin sources
Require disclosure and formal review
No proof there that Flynn really followed this course

Early the House Oversight Committee
Asked of the White House Flynn’s documentation
But Trump refused; Spicer tried being witty
Explaining provision is out of the question

My feeling’s: due-diligence cursorily was done
On those individuals meant for Trump’s team
In Flynn’s case, no paperwork was e’re begun
His status was special, or so it now seems

Just why was he fired as Trump’s NSA
The reasons Trump gave surely do not hold up
Flynn is a mystery unto this day
But when we find out, all Hell will erupt


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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