

Rep. Jason Chaffetz quite soon might resign
As Utah’s third district’s strong man in the House
And Oversight Chairman,
The House’s repairman
His reasons for quitting: his children and spouse
If those were true reasons, why leave at this time?

With Trump now as President, oversight’s difficult
Too many conflicts of interest to plow through
Trumpean real estate
Russian collusion-gate
Meanwhile Republican brass though on cue
Did not want his findings to reach true results

But there is an underside lurking behind his move
Rumors of scandal both sexual and fraud
A mistress revealing
By Russian blackmailing
And Ryan and Mitchel, dark money involved
Before this went public he must be removed

It seems those responsible investigators
Whether in Treasury or in the House
Soon will be leaving
Which leaves me believing
That cover-up forces are active about
To mask Trump’s corruption and some legislators


Author: Sabba Rabba

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