N. Korea


A power play is under way toward the North Koreans
To try to stop their testing of a military nuke
Trump’s ploy is to imply preemptive action would be seen
If Kim ignores Trump’s threats as well as China’s strong rebuke

It’s known that Kim has many cannons reachable to Seoul
That he in order short could bring the city down to rubble
It’s also thought that Kim’s unstable; hard to know his goals
And such a threat from Trump could thereby trigger lots of trouble

As I have said before, Kim may be ruthless but not daft
He sees his nukes as his security; no way will he give in
His threat to use them should he be attacked
Has kept the US profile low. A war no one could win

Since Kim must also know that should he open an attack
With all his cannons firing at Seoul
The US would demolish Kim’s regime, responding back
This would be counter to Kim’s basic goals

My feeling is that Kim will stall on this next test
By saying they’ll decide the where and when
And Trump will let this ride, pursuing other quests
And China will apply more pressure then

Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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